Ch. Tekoah's Majestic Hobbes, "Hobbes" was supposed to be just a pet, but became the first champion from Tekoah

Ch.Tekoah's Margaret Bengal, "Maggie". The ruling "Grand Dam" of the household.

Ch.Tekoah's Justa Stone's Throw, "Annie". This lovely, refined bitch proved that the show dogs still have
what it takes when she killed a marauding badger with a few good terrier shakes!!

Ch.Tekoah In Adam's Image, "Seth". A wonderful ambassador for the breed. Sire of champions, but mostly an awesome
personality that makes everyone who meets him want an Airedale! Twelve years old and still running and jumping like a two
year old.

Ch.Tekoah Elizabeth's Promise, "Lizzie". Lovely bitch w/ unbelievable, natural color, dam of specialty Best in Sweeps
pup and brood bitch extraordinaire. She is wonderful w/ people and other household pets, but when strangers approach, gives
definition to the term, "bitch".

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